
Ideation Boot Camp 2023

आबदेन दिने आन्तिम मिति सकिएको छ
प्रशिक्षण / तालिमकाे विवरण

Bikalpa, in collaboration with Aasaman Nepal, is organizing boot camps for youths aged 18-40 who want to become entrepreneurs. The program targets the youths of Koshi Province, especially Morang and Sunsari Districts. Bikalpa will train 90 participants in three cycles, with 30 participants in each cycle, under the project “Step Up” funded by Swiss contact. The program involves a variety of interactive learning methods Guest Lectures, idea pitch, Group work Activities, and video documentaries designed to provide participants with opportunities to explore, refine ideas and motivate them to launch their businesses and start-ups.

More Details: https://bikalpa.org/ideation-boot-camp-2023/


    • विराटनगर
    • ३० रिक्त पद
    • २०८०-६-१२ देखी २०८०-६-१३
    • ०८:०० देखी १७:३०
    • २ दिन
    प्रशिक्षण दिने संस्थाकाे विवरण
      • संस्थाकाे नाम: विकल्प एन अल्टरनेटिभ
      • ठेगाना: कोशी प्रदेश,मोरङ,विराटनगर महानगरपालिका -९ ,
      • सम्पर्क नं: ९८१०४५९४४४
      • इमेल: communications@bikalpa.org