
Waiter/Waitress training

आबदेन दिने आन्तिम मिति सकिएको छ
प्रशिक्षण / तालिमकाे विवरण

A waiter course typically covers customer service skills,food and beverage knowledge,table service techniques,restaurant etiquette,communication skills,handling complaints,basic hygiene and safety regulations,and sometimes even basic accounting or pos system operation.Our(BSHM) goal is to train individuals to provide excellent service in a restaurant setting.

    • Birat School of Hospitality Management, Biratnagar-2
    • १० रिक्त पद
    • २०८१-५-१ देखी २०८१-५-३१
    • १ महिना
    • प्रशिक्षक:Avash Thapa
    प्रशिक्षण दिने संस्थाकाे विवरण
      • संस्थाकाे नाम: Birat School of Hospitality Management
      • ठेगाना: कोशी प्रदेश,मोरङ,विराटनगर महानगरपालिका -२ ,
      • सम्पर्क नं: ९८०२७२०४०८
      • इमेल: biratshm@gmail.com