व्यवसाय परामर्श सेवा

विकल्प एन अल्टरनेटिभ
  • कोशी प्रदेश,मोरङ,विराटनगर महानगरपालिका -९
  • ९८१०४५९४४४

Bikalpa-an Alternative is a public policy think tank working as a watchdog at the state and municipal level to sensitize civil society members and pressurize authorities’ holder to be accountable. As a legal entity organization seeks to develop a culture that favors individual and economic freedom, in spears of personal lives and policy issues and suggest policies that ultimately uplift the status of poor people.We do this through empowering people with our research, education and civic engagement programs.

सम्पर्क व्यक्ति

यस व्यवसाय परामर्श सेवा अन्तर्गका सेवाहरू